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Snow Globe Head
Winter Fairy Wings
Sceptile Tail
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Snow Globe Head
Reindeer Headphones
Krampus Helmet
Jolly Jetpack
Ice Crown
Frozen Lake Shield
Elf Hat HeadPhones
X-Mas Angel Wings
Candy-Cane Sword
Mistletoe Halo
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Frequently Asked Questions
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Coming Soon......
Coming Soon......
Coming Soon......
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This script lets you show different content in the pop-up based on which button you click. The URL of the button must be a matching CSS class in the pop up. For example: ".pop-01" would display the row with the CSS class "pop-01".
Also, each button has the CSS class "btn-pop" so we can attach our click events to them.
This button has the CSS class "btn-popup" so we can use it to toggle the pop up. You'd normally hide this in a hidden section at the bottom of the page.
Add jQuery to your page. Normally I add this to the footer or a hidden section at the bottom of the page with the rest of my scripts.
Add your button/pop-up controller here - AFTER jQuery